Discover the benefits of IQOS and heated tobacco.

Why adult smokers are switching from smoking to IQOS.

IQOS does not produce Tar*

“Tar” is the residue from smoke after a cigarette has burned. IQOS does not produce tar because it heats tobacco instead of burning it. It generates an aerosol residue that is fundamentally different from “Tar”

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Although IQOS does not produce tar, IQOS is not risk free, and contains nicotine which is addictive. 

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Although IQOS does not produce tar, IQOS is not risk free, and contains nicotine which is addictive. 

IQOS doesn't burn tobacco

IQOS heats tobacco instead of burning it, so it doesn't produce fire, ash or smoke.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: IQOS is not risk free, it delivers nicotine which is addictive.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: IQOS is not risk free, it delivers nicotine which is addictive.

IQOS emits less harmful chemicals

IQOS doesn’t burn tobacco, producing on average 98% less carbon monoxide (CO) and significantly lower levels of other harmful chemicals

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This does not mean a 98% reduction in risk. IQOS is not risk-free, and contains nicotine which is addictive.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This does not mean a 98% reduction in risk. IQOS is not risk-free, and contains nicotine which is addictive.